21.   At one of the first nests encountered by Stone, a small purplish baby pelican is pecking its way out of its shell.

22.   Even when blacks and whites have similar education and income, black mothers are still about twice as likely as whites to have unusually small babies.

23.   Mothers with very low PAPP-A levels during the first trimester were found to be more likely to have small babies.

24.   Only their small baby escaped with light injuries, police said.

25.   One woman, blood streaming down her head, cringed in a car, trying to protect a small baby from flying glass and bricks.

26.   The backyard also had a small plastic baby pool for the girls.

27.   Wednesday morning, a nursemaid carrying a small baby angrily argued with police to cross the cordon to enter one of the embassies adjacent to the consulate.

28.   Why the small babies are so much more likely to have heart disease is still a mystery, said Djousse.

29.   One woman, her head bloodied, cringed in a car, trying to protect a small baby from flying glass and bricks.

30.   Among them were widows carrying small babies in their arms.

a. + baby >>共 724
new 7.83%
newborn 5.60%
premature 4.41%
born 4.02%
healthy 3.24%
first 3.21%
unborn 2.19%
little 1.90%
dead 1.69%
tiny 1.34%
small 1.09%
small + n. >>共 1140
business 4.25%
group 4.22%
town 3.18%
amount 2.42%
number 2.42%
company 1.95%
child 1.74%
bowl 1.43%
craft 1.15%
part 1.00%
baby 0.05%
每页显示:    共 31