21.   She was a ski racer in Vermont until the third grade, but began snowboarding on her home mountain the first year it was allowed.

22.   She will answer that she is a ski racer.

23.   Seizinger, like Tomba, is atypical of most ski racers, who come from mountain settings.

24.   She acknowledges she has received more attention after those two new chapters in her life spiced up the image of the nice quiet ski racer from the mountains.

25.   She also gave a nod to her parents, who always had encouraged her to be a ski racer.

26.   Ski racers from the United States speed teams will take home warm memories of the home Olympic Games they have been preparing for since Nagano.

27.   Ski racers crouch with their chests to their knees, limiting the amount of surface area to contact the air.

28.   Sure enough, Olympice ski racers encountered weather that switched from wintry blizzards to warm monsoon rains within hours.

29.   That edge, according to Lewis, is where a downhill ski racer operates.

30.   There is little of the swashbuckling bravado about Maier that marks so many ski racers.

n. + racer >>共 97
ski 17.24%
road 6.90%
motorcycle 5.64%
bicycle 5.64%
wheelchair 4.70%
auto 3.45%
bike 3.45%
slalom 3.45%
boy 2.19%
yacht 1.88%
ski + n. >>共 387
resort 15.88%
area 10.66%
slope 4.72%
season 2.77%
team 2.64%
trip 2.64%
instructor 2.24%
vacation 1.74%
racer 1.71%
race 1.58%
每页显示:    共 55