21.   Sung by Estefan at the ceremony.

22.   Sure enough, someone whispered in the ear of the master of ceremonies, who then announced that Von Essen would sing by himself.

23.   That means less emphasis on operatic singing by cantors and choirs, and greater stress on tunes, even wordless chants, that are spiritually evocative and easily learned.

24.   The number is the highlight of this new production, as sung by Ms. Peters and her excellent leading man, Tom Wopat.

25.   The title is taken from a hymn that Ms. Tharp heard sung by Mahalia Jackson.

26.   There was singing by Rita Sahai, tabla music by Tim Witter and Jim Santi Owen and additional music by Miguel Frasconi.

27.   Two days later, alternately sung to by angels and tormented by devils, Schumann tried to kill himself, jumping into the icy waters of the Rhine.


29.   You may know the song as sung by Bobby Darin.

30.   People on floors above the street-level nightclub, which features singing by customers, were rescued by firefighters.

v. + by >>共 1204
direct 1.69%
be 1.60%
speak 1.28%
begin 1.28%
win 1.21%
write 1.19%
judge 1.07%
start 1.05%
produce 1.01%
do 0.98%
sing 0.05%
sing + p. >>共 59
in 32.99%
with 20.46%
at 9.85%
about 7.43%
along 6.55%
on 5.44%
like 2.30%
from 2.11%
by 1.42%
as 1.26%
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