21.   Nine Republicans sent a letter to Gramm urging him to hold the line and not make any significant concessions on the issue.

22.   Officials noted that the Mitchell appointment represented a major victory for Sinn Fein and a significant concession by the British.

23.   One is that even when he has had to make significant concessions, the word that appears in the headline is victory, not cave-in.

24.   Privately, Irish and British officials were hoping the IRA statement was tactical, issued so that any conciliatory gesture this week will seem like a more significant concession.

25.   Players have not made significant concessions?

26.   Republican postponement of the tax cuts would represent a significant concession to Democrats who have hotly criticized the GOP tax proposals as a giveaway to the rich.

27.   Russia has so far been unable in several high-level diplomatic missions to Belgrade to extract any significant concessions from Milosevic.

28.   Republican senators said on Thursday that they expected to win some Democratic votes for their bill without making significant concessions.

29.   Sharon said he was working on resuscitating the nationalist opposition by trying to build a block of parties opposed to significant concessions at the peace table.

30.   Still, the proposals included several significant concessions.

a. + concession >>共 459
major 8.16%
territorial 7.23%
further 5.10%
new 3.57%
significant 3.24%
political 2.73%
israeli 2.36%
important 2.32%
key 2.22%
only 2.09%
significant + n. >>共 920
change 4.55%
difference 3.29%
number 3.16%
amount 2.20%
progress 2.17%
role 2.12%
increase 1.88%
impact 1.79%
improvement 1.41%
gain 1.36%
concession 0.48%
每页显示:    共 70