21.   Any dramatic weakening, they warned, could signal a return to the triple-digit hyperinflation that gripped the nation the last time the peso floated freely.

22.   He said the sale signaled a return to the market by Egypt, traditionally a big buyer of Australian wheat.

23.   He said the sale signalled a return to the market by Egypt, traditionally a big buyer of Australian wheat.

24.   Kinkel said he thought the new Russian rhetoric could signal a return to the bad old days of East-West tension.

25.   Le Pen had toned down his rhetoric during this campaign, but his remarks Thursday appeared to signal a return to some of his more inflammatory language.

26.   Russian Communists and other hard-liners also are lauding the charter, saying it signals the return of a world power.

27.   Russian hard-liners also are lauding the charter, saying it signals the return of a world power.

28.   The annual transition from grass to hard court has never been easy for Andre Agassi, even if it does signal a return to his favorite surface.

29.   The military operation signals the return of the Red Army generals after the humiliation in Afghanistan.

30.   The performances of Williams and Davenport also signaled a return to form at the tradition-bound All England Club.

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每页显示:    共 39