21.   In much of the nation, early September signals the beginning of the arduous process of preparing for hibernation.

22.   In the old days, horses stood behind a rope, which was dropped to signal the beginning of a race.

23.   In the movies, mounting a horse signals the beginning of a chase, a battle, a new life.

24.   It could signal the beginning of a significant Japanese pullback from U.S. financial services generally, analysts said.

25.   It also signaled the beginning of the end for the Bush administration.

26.   It started Saturday afternoon, when hundreds of alliance troops surged toward Taliban lines, signaling the beginning of their biggest offensive in years.

27.   It was the second time the agency has run a house used to conceal immigrants, and it likely signals the beginning of more such investigations, officials said.

28.   Japanese bombers swept in on the attack, signaling the beginning of a heroic but doomed defense of the Philippines by U.S. service personnel and Philippine Scouts.

29.   Last year, the season-opening loss to Tulsa signaled the beginning of basketball season.

30.   March signals the beginning of Mud Season in New England, not the best time to do back-country exploring on dirt roads.

v. + beginning >>共 165
mark 33.62%
signal 10.02%
have 8.44%
see 4.65%
represent 2.08%
announce 1.71%
miss 1.59%
herald 1.34%
signify 1.22%
make 1.10%
signal + n. >>共 677
end 8.17%
willingness 4.57%
start 4.53%
change 3.82%
intention 3.04%
beginning 3.04%
support 2.34%
return 1.45%
interest 1.37%
readiness 1.34%
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