21.   Joel Breshin, Arizona regional director for the Anti-Defamation League, said a siege mentality has set in among many patriots.

22.   Missing was the siege mentality that seemed to surround Butch Hobson from the start last season, leaving his managerial status a matter of daily suspense.

23.   On the other hand, U.S. sanctions have created a siege mentality.

24.   Official media drive home the siege mentality, playing on the threat from outside to squelch dissent.

25.   One result was many religious communities were driven inward, creating a siege mentality that manifests itself in pheomenon like David Koresh.

26.   Tempting as it may be to create a siege mentality, Davie says he regards that strategy as shortsighted.

27.   That caused tobacco stocks to plummet and imparted to some tobacco makers to a siege mentality.

28.   The Associated Press reported at the time that Kennett acknowledged he had a siege mentality.

29.   The siege mentality has enveloped the Capitol as the Lewinsky scandal passes the eight-month mark.

30.   The siege mentality is illustrated along the desert border with Iraq.

n. + mentality >>共 216
siege 11.90%
bunker 6.58%
herd 5.82%
football 2.53%
pack 1.77%
victim 1.77%
war 1.52%
mob 1.52%
fortress 1.27%
survivalist 1.27%
siege + n. >>共 31
mentality 55.95%
force 3.57%
engine 2.38%
gun 2.38%
house 2.38%
line 2.38%
operation 2.38%
area 1.19%
atmosphere 1.19%
breaking 1.19%
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