21.   Federal prosecutors allege Arthur Andersen shredded documents related to its audit of Enron, the Houston-based energy trader that filed the largest U.S. bankruptcy case ever.

22.   Greenwood said Duncan could easily have interpreted that e-mail as advice to shred Enron documents.

23.   He has told the court that a witness alleges that that IRS officials spoke of shredding documents he sought.

24.   Ickes has denied that he told Medoff to shred documents.

25.   In one of those suits, filed in state court in Simi Valley, California, a former employee accused GTE of shredding company documents.

26.   In January, the Union Bank of Switzerland dismissed a night watchman who discovered officials shredding bank documents that may have related to the wartime era.

27.   In response to the instructions from the Houston auditors, documents were shredded and e-mail messages were deleted.

28.   It is currently on trial on charges that it obstructed justice by shredding documents during the inspection last year.

29.   Kurzweil executives also were accused of forging, altering and shredding documents.

30.   Law professor Erwin Chemerinsky of the University of Southern California said that shredding documents carries with it the inference that the Simpson camp had something to hide.

v. + document >>共 605
sign 7.70%
destroy 3.61%
release 3.08%
have 2.46%
use 2.34%
produce 2.27%
obtain 2.06%
falsify 2.03%
file 1.97%
seize 1.83%
shred 1.21%
shred + n. >>共 187
document 22.37%
cheese 3.50%
meat 3.23%
chicken 1.89%
cabbage 1.62%
ligament 1.35%
record 1.35%
tree 1.35%
carrot 1.08%
tire 1.08%
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