21.   Several teen-agers were treated for shrapnel wounds that dotted their bodies.

22.   Shaheen died of shrapnel wounds to her chest.

23.   The doctors see scabies, and broken bones, and shrapnel wounds.

24.   Their injuries included lost hearing, shrapnel wounds, eye and head cuts, and burns.

25.   Their bodies were riddled with shrapnel wounds and stained green with disinfectant.

26.   Twenty people were taken to hospitals, including a girl who suffered nine shrapnel wounds to the chest and the student passed from the second story window to rescuers.

27.   Twenty-one people with serious shrapnel wounds were taken to the hospital, said the deputy medical director, Abdullah Ismailov.

28.   Walker had a grenade shrapnel wound in his upper right thigh, a toe shot off on his left foot and shrapnel wounds on his back, Pelton said.

29.   Parnell, who suffered shrapnel wounds in both legs, gave Associated Press Television a detailed account of the mine explosion.

30.   Police arrested the man after his release from an Amsterdam hospital where he was treated for shrapnel wounds.

n. + wound >>共 178
gunshot 34.99%
bullet 17.91%
stab 10.01%
shrapnel 5.84%
head 4.97%
knife 3.50%
leg 2.57%
chest 1.97%
puncture 1.43%
war 1.40%
shrapnel + n. >>共 24
wound 70.00%
injury 13.60%
hole 5.60%
mark 1.20%
scar 1.20%
bomb 0.80%
fragment 0.80%
blast 0.40%
cut 0.40%
damage 0.40%
每页显示:    共 174