21.   After a brief speech by Ms. Daykin, the show begins.

22.   After approximately a year of meetings at a Taco Cabana, the show began to take shape.

23.   After a disastrous pilot last fall, the show began to get its bearings toward the end of last season.

24.   After the TV show begins airing, the doll will start appearing on toy shelves.

25.   After the photographers repeatedly yelled at the poor lemmings who never found their seats to get the heck out of the way, the show began.

26.   But Monday, the real show begins.

27.   But news shows quickly began introducing the Jewish state to the first Jewish ticket partner for a major American political party.

28.   The show will begin in its new time slot on Tuesday.

29.   But the director said he was aware that the response might well be tougher in the city where the show began.

30.   But toward the end of his tenure, the show began to slide, and it slid even further this past year.

n. + begin >>共 1326
company 1.92%
talk 1.47%
season 1.44%
trial 1.32%
government 1.26%
official 1.15%
people 1.01%
police 0.93%
work 0.90%
game 0.72%
show 0.26%
show + v. >>共 932
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have 5.29%
go 3.96%
feature 2.21%
open 1.88%
begin 1.81%
include 1.71%
make 1.27%
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