21.   Otherwise they can vote to sell the ships and split the cash, or seek new contracts with other companies looking to ship oil around the world.

22.   The approval cleared what was considered the last big hurdle before Iraq can begin shipping oil.

23.   The reduction in draft requirements costs PDVSA more money to transport its oil through the channel because it makes the oil company ship its oil with more tankers.

24.   The sanctions cost Turkey billions of dollars in transit fees it charged Iraq for shipping oil through Turkey.

25.   Those plans, and the current resolution being discussed, give the U.N. control over how and where the oil is shipped and how proceeds are spent.

26.   Typically, freight charges make it too costly to ship heating oil across the ocean to Europe.

27.   What would happen if the stalemate is not resolved, leading the United States to stop shipping oil and causing the agreement to fall apart?

28.   A new pipeline proposed across Turkey to the Mediterranean is a prime competitor to Russia for shipping this oil.

29.   A topic expected to be high on the agenda is settling on a port to ship Caspian Sea oil to western markets.

30.   At least half the oil must be shipped through the Kirkuk-Yurmurtalik pipeline.

v. + oil >>共 489
heat 13.07%
sell 6.99%
add 5.29%
pump 4.28%
export 3.84%
use 3.50%
produce 2.85%
buy 2.48%
carry 2.23%
transport 2.19%
ship 1.22%
ship + n. >>共 620
product 5.32%
goods 4.40%
oil 2.71%
drug 2.51%
waste 2.46%
order 1.54%
car 1.43%
part 1.38%
material 1.38%
item 1.33%
每页显示:    共 53