21.   The Tigers for their part have been accusing the military of shelling civilian targets in the northern Jaffna peninsula where they maintain a defacto separate state.

22.   Zagreb accused the Krajina Serbs of shelling targets in Croatia for a third straight day on Thursday.

23.   Military officials denied shelling civilian targets and said even helicopter gunships were being deployed to take on identified LTTE targets in the peninsula.

24.   Military officials denied shelling civilian targets but admit they deploy helicopter gun ships to bomb identified Tiger targets in the Jaffna peninsula.

v. + target >>共 453
hit 12.47%
meet 9.78%
miss 7.99%
attack 7.24%
set 4.58%
reach 4.01%
strike 3.36%
bomb 2.86%
identify 2.21%
find 2.14%
shell 0.60%
shell + n. >>共 170
village 16.12%
position 11.15%
area 10.22%
town 8.90%
city 3.47%
civilian 2.44%
target 2.25%
camp 2.06%
capital 1.97%
pea 1.41%
每页显示:    共 24