21.   Russian forces continued to shell the city and heavy fighting raged as helicopter gunships hovered overhead.

22.   Rebel fighters say they have moved to within striking distance of Freetown and a top commander has threatened to start shelling the city anytime.

23.   Russian helicopter gun ships and jets fired rockets at rebel positions in central Grozny, and Russian artillery shelled the city outskirts.

24.   Russian aircraft fired rockets at rebel positions in central Grozny, and artillery shelled the city outskirts.

25.   That meant Serbs could respond by shelling cities.

26.   The pounding continued two days after Yeltsin demanded to know why the city was being shelled despite his orders to halt.

27.   The private Radio Eclesia said UNITA rebels shelled the city for an hour on Monday.

28.   The Russian troops are entrenched to the north and west of the capital Grozny, and are close enough to shell the city.

29.   They then proceeded to sit on their positions, shelling surrounded cities such as Sarajevo and inflicting huge civilian casualties.

30.   U.N. military officials believe that if those neighborhoods fell, the Serbs would be in a much better position to shell the city.

v. + city >>共 1015
leave 5.70%
enter 3.52%
flee 3.10%
visit 2.90%
sue 1.75%
surround 1.48%
divide 1.37%
patrol 1.30%
take 1.16%
build 1.13%
shell 0.50%
shell + n. >>共 170
village 16.12%
position 11.15%
area 10.22%
town 8.90%
city 3.47%
civilian 2.44%
target 2.25%
camp 2.06%
capital 1.97%
pea 1.41%
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