21.   One reason it did so was the sharp decrease in truck hijackings, which were the bread-and-butter of many mob members until prison terms for hijackings were increased.

22.   Sharp decreases have also occurred in such areas as property seizures and liens imposed in delinquent taxpayer cases.

23.   Sharp decreases in airline ticket prices in the second half of the year largely offset big increases in the first half of the year.

24.   The five private television stations have also been forced to make adjustments to cope with the sharp decrease in advertising revenue.

25.   The weakness was led by a sharp decrease in sales at furniture and home furnishings stores and at bars and restaurants.

26.   The weakness was led by a sharp decrease in sales at furniture and home furnishing stores and at bars and restaurants, the Commerce Department reported Tuesday.

27.   The weakness was led by a sharp decrease in sales at furniture and home furnishing stores and at bars and restaurants, the Commerce Department reported today.

28.   The weakness was led by a sharp decrease in sales at furniture and home furnishing stores and at bars and restaurants.

29.   World crude prices have continued to weaken due to the sharp decrease in global economic activity, a slump compounded by the terror attacks on the United States.

30.   Indonesia has seen a sharp decrease in foreign investment owing to legal and security concerns.

a. + decrease >>共 139
significant 7.23%
sharp 6.99%
slight 5.83%
dramatic 5.36%
marked 5.13%
largest 3.73%
further 3.26%
gradual 3.26%
first 2.80%
substantial 1.63%
sharp + n. >>共 1041
decline 5.97%
drop 5.95%
increase 5.60%
rise 5.26%
criticism 4.16%
contrast 3.88%
fall 3.64%
knife 2.85%
gain 2.67%
turn 1.62%
decrease 0.31%
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