21.   Settlers also threw rocks at Palestinian cars at a main intersection near the West Bank town of Hebron, causing damage.

22.   Tensions heightened in the West Bank town of Hebron Sunday when Jewish settlers threw stones and bottles at Arab schoolgirls marching with a PLO flag, Palestinian reporters said.

23.   The incident began Tuesday when Jewish settlers threw stones at Palestinian workers renovating Shuhada Street, a downtown thoroughfare that passes by two settler enclaves.

24.   Two settlers were stabbed and wounded, at a cement shop in Hebron on Thursday, and on Saturday, settlers threw stones at Palestinian shops in downtown Hebron.

25.   When Israeli police arrived at the market, settlers threw eggs at the police van.

26.   Wallerstein, speaking on Israel radio, said settlers threw stones at Palestinians only after the Arab residents began pelting them with stones.

27.   Wallerstein, speaking on Israel radio, said settlers threw stones at Palestinians only after the Arab residents hurled stones at them.

28.   West Bank police spokesman Boaz Goldberg said Arab students and Jewish settlers threw stones at each other but there were no reports of injury or damage.

29.   Five Palestinian girls were slightly injured when settlers threw bottles and stones at them in Hebron on Sunday.

30.   Five Palestinian girls were slightly injured in the volatile West Bank town of Hebron on Sunday when Jewish settlers threw bottles and stones at them.

n. + throw >>共 1159
protester 3.75%
judge 3.73%
court 3.48%
demonstrator 2.88%
fan 2.74%
man 2.33%
people 2.16%
youth 2.16%
pitcher 2.14%
student 1.89%
settler 0.84%
settler + v. >>共 453
say 8.25%
be 7.00%
move 2.07%
live 2.03%
shoot 1.82%
throw 1.77%
try 1.69%
take 1.60%
come 1.56%
open 1.51%
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