21.   The Canadian Auto Workers union, meanwhile, will begin separate talks with Chrysler, Ford and GM in Toronto next week.

22.   The tensions came into sharper focus Sunday, when both men appeared on separate talks shows.

23.   The union held separate talks with DaimlerChrysler and GM through Sunday afternoon, company spokesmen said.

24.   There have been indications of separate talks between BA and JAL in the past.

25.   Under the Mitchell formula, negotiations on disarming would take place in separate talks parallel to discussion of political issues.

26.   Wednesday night, Clinton is to meet with King Abdullah of Jordan and Crown Prince Abdallah of Saudi Arabia, for separate talks centered on the Mideast peace process.

27.   Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu go to the White House next month for separate talks with U.S. President Bill Clinton.

28.   Protestant gunmen matched the IRA cease-fire in mid-October, and fringe parties allied to the two main loyalist paramilitary groups began separate talks with British officials in December.

29.   According to a statement issued Monday by the government of Luxembourg, current holder of the rotating EU presidency, ministers will hold separate talks with Arafat and Levy.

30.   After an opening plenary session, the foreign and security ministers will hold separate talks, then meet together in a joint session after lunch.

a. + talk >>共 659
further 5.02%
bilateral 3.73%
direct 3.60%
new 2.98%
high-level 2.30%
preliminary 2.20%
formal 2.13%
informal 1.96%
separate 1.92%
face-to-face 1.89%
separate + n. >>共 1252
incident 4.65%
meeting 2.72%
state 1.93%
company 1.87%
report 1.81%
attack 1.55%
case 1.51%
talk 1.46%
way 1.32%
entity 1.20%
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