21.   Possibly sensing the danger of having to face down a hostile questioner while surrounded by half a dozen reporters, Bradley quickly tried to address her concerns.

22.   Sensing danger, Salinas Pliego went on the offensive.

23.   Sensing potential danger, I suppose, his mother glanced back and his sister did a graceful pirouette in my direction.

24.   Sensing the danger, Filipinos are now intent on presenting themselves as hard-nosed Asians rather than flaky Latinos.

25.   She might have sensed danger, possibly from a predator or the rumble of a volcanic eruption nearby.

26.   The Bush administration may be surprised, critics say, when the battle is joined by some religious groups and whole denominations that sense danger ahead.

27.   The latest cockroach news, reported by Reuters, is that cockroaches can sense danger by the way wind ruffles tiny hairs on their back legs.

28.   When horses sense danger, they typically will not leave a place that they perceive as safe, she said.

29.   When people sense danger, they will come together to defend themselves.

30.   What William Green brings to the table are sheer explosiveness and the je ne sais quoi that enables some people to sense danger and make adjustments on the fly.

v. + danger >>共 308
pose 17.66%
face 5.96%
see 4.09%
increase 2.55%
reduce 2.47%
present 2.34%
avoid 2.26%
know 2.17%
highlight 2.13%
recognize 1.91%
sense 1.87%
sense + n. >>共 533
opportunity 5.87%
change 3.77%
danger 3.69%
presence 2.60%
trouble 2.18%
need 1.93%
tension 1.84%
shift 1.42%
pattern 1.26%
weakness 1.26%
每页显示:    共 44