21.   The senior ranks at universities, research centers and publishing houses are next.

22.   The speaker has awarded her with a leadership post, and the presence of a telegenic woman in the senior Republican ranks has proved politically beneficial to House Republicans.

23.   Vogel now plans to enter the senior ranks.

24.   Pennington now will work on his triple axel as he moves into the senior ranks.

25.   But that support has triggered violent protests and forced President Gen. Pervez Musharraf to reshuffle the senior ranks of the armed forces to prevent moves to destabilize his government.

26.   Chimbayo, whose chief, Defense Minister Joseph Kubwalo, had previously denied any army involvement in the attack, insisted senior ranks were not involved.

27.   Defence Minister David Collenette is sifting the senior ranks for a successor.

28.   Despite reports that the KNU would inject fresh blood into its senior ranks, other old-timers were also returned to top posts.

29.   Former Khmer Rouge cadres are in the senior ranks of the government and military.

30.   He has also reshuffled the senior ranks of the armed forces, which he leads.

a. + rank >>共 415
top 7.53%
party 4.17%
republican 3.52%
highest 3.41%
growing 3.03%
military 2.98%
senior 2.82%
high 2.49%
lower 2.44%
higher 2.38%
senior + n. >>共 459
official 25.50%
officer 4.38%
government 3.90%
executive 3.02%
member 2.90%
leader 2.39%
year 2.27%
administration 2.24%
aide 2.19%
adviser 2.04%
rank 0.19%
每页显示:    共 52