21.   E-mail provides a way of sending person-to-person messages almost instantaneously.

22.   I use the internet mainly for sending email messages.

23.   I sent a message to Kitty via her sister.

24.   ...rumours that there were traitors among us who were sending messages to the enemy.

25.   The message was sent in code.

26.   I sent the message by telegraph.

27.   The message was sent by telex.

28.   Public speakers, however, often send mixed messages.

29.   It is possible we are unconsciously sending messages with every action, messages which are unconsciously picked up by others and used in forming opinions.

30.   Right now?

v. + message >>共 765
send 18.10%
get 6.78%
return 6.05%
deliver 5.38%
leave 3.94%
receive 3.32%
carry 2.79%
convey 2.21%
have 2.13%
take 1.84%
send + n. >>共 860
letter 6.46%
message 5.50%
troop 4.53%
signal 2.04%
e-mail 1.77%
child 1.77%
money 1.47%
team 1.19%
price 1.19%
representative 1.07%
每页显示:    共 1748