21.   Orders to buy or sell large quantities of stocks sometimes lead to an imbalance in supply and demand, which can cause prices to change quickly and dramatically.

22.   So Washington sells enormous quantities of advanced weapons and helps train Saudi troops.

23.   Sheriff Sherman Block acknowledged Monday that investigators suspected that the ring was selling large quantities of cocaine in the Los Angeles area and funneling the proceeds to Nicaraguan rebels.

24.   That can lead investors to buy or sell large quantities of stocks.

25.   The orders to buy or sell large quantities of stocks can cause prices to change quickly and dramatically.

26.   The South African central bank did not intervene to try to stop the slide, although it bought and sold small quantities of currency to keep the market liquid.

27.   There, publishers now make money by selling huge quantities of books at low prices, mostly through big, specialist chains or other large retailers.

28.   Traders suspect that Brazil in recent weeks sold large quantities of coffee to take advantage of surging prices and now has to ensure supplies are adequate to fulfill commitments.

29.   Ultimately, he is able to sell small quantities of goods to consumers at wholesale prices, while still selling pallets of merchandise to retailers.

30.   Using the technique, investors first borrow, then sell a quantity of shares of stock equal to the number of shares they own.

v. + quantity >>共 243
sell 8.17%
produce 7.12%
buy 5.76%
export 3.56%
seize 3.46%
import 3.14%
find 2.83%
contain 2.30%
consume 2.20%
use 1.88%
sell + n. >>共 820
share 5.90%
stock 4.24%
product 3.84%
bond 2.67%
ticket 2.19%
dollar 2.01%
stake 1.74%
asset 1.72%
car 1.42%
drug 1.39%
quantity 0.24%
每页显示:    共 77