21.   The delegates are selected in state convention caucuses.

22.   The delegates here were selected in the spring and summer.

23.   The local caucus is the first in a three-step process to select delegates to the national GOP convention in San Diego this August.

24.   The voting marked only the beginning of a months-long process of selecting delegates to the Republican and Democratic conventions, where the nominees would actually be chosen.

25.   There are many other ways the presidential race could dramatically shift before the first delegates are selected early next year.

26.   Without an election, the two parties would have to set up their own machinery for selecting delegates.

27.   A good showing in New Hampshire gives a candidate momentum heading into the primaries in larger states to select delegates to the Democratic and Republican national conventions.

28.   Another showdown is just days away -- Republicans will select delegates in Michigan on Tuesday.

29.   Another eight unpledged delegates will be selected later by state party leaders.

30.   Gore had Michigan and Minnesota on his itinerary for the day, two states where Democratic delegates will be selected over the next few days.

v. + delegate >>共 254
send 7.62%
address 6.71%
select 4.44%
choose 3.53%
tell 3.19%
elect 2.84%
say 2.84%
include 2.50%
win 2.50%
have 2.39%
select + n. >>共 989
candidate 2.61%
winner 2.53%
player 2.50%
team 2.33%
site 2.25%
option 1.99%
president 1.35%
member 1.29%
jury 1.21%
delegate 1.09%
每页显示:    共 39