21.   While trying to find a supervisor, a security screener let the owner of the shoes walk away.

22.   FAA special agents roam the terminals and talk with the security screeners to make sure they are following the latest rules.

23.   Inspector General Kenneth Mead reported in January that the FAA needed to improve training for airport security screeners and increase the use of bomb-detection machines.

24.   Now, transportation officials are eager to comply with the new law and have pledged to quickly issue new requirements for training security screeners.

25.   Security screeners at Los Angeles International Airport noticed a suspicious package early Monday, prompting the evacuation of hundreds of travelers.

26.   The Federal Aviation Administration is hiring hundreds of temporary employees to assist the security screeners who now check passengers and carryon baggage at airports.

27.   The federal security agency also said it would hire part-time security screeners at airports in addition to full-time employees.

28.   The gunman was tackled by bystanders in the ticket lobby of Louis Armstrong International Airport, away from the concourses where security screeners check for weapons.

29.   The man disappeared Wednesday morning after the security screener handed him back his shoes and went to find a supervisor.

30.   The reason for banning carry-on baggage would be to give security screeners more time to check passengers who are boarding flights.

n. + screener >>共 21
airport 33.33%
security 25.00%
baggage 21.21%
checkpoint 3.03%
passenger 3.03%
airline 1.52%
bag 1.52%
luggage 1.52%
breach 0.76%
call 0.76%
security + n. >>共 445
force 16.92%
official 8.09%
measure 3.87%
service 2.70%
concern 2.53%
source 2.32%
reason 2.31%
officer 2.29%
firm 2.22%
issue 1.82%
screener 0.07%
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