21.   It will offer a security feature that enables encryption of the messages sent between users.

22.   Its security features allow machines to distinguish it from slugs, tokens and foreign coins, the Mint adds.

23.   Lipner said the enhanced security features included in the new versions of Windows also would make the machines more difficult for attackers to remotely commandeer.

24.   Lucent officials refused to say which security features had been on the system when it was shipped to Chiquita.

25.   Luckily, Windows has built-in security features to prevent this.

26.   MCI and GTE say some of the money it collects from prison calls pays for mandatory operator assistance, added security features and commissions to the state.

27.   Netscape Communications Corp. said it received approval from the U.S. Commerce Department to export software equipped with stronger security features.

28.   Most of the browser-based setup was quite easy, although novices might be confused by the presentation of the wireless security feature.

29.   Newer versions include security features.

30.   NT also offers more sophisticated network security features, and is designed to run on a wide variety of computers, including Intel Pentium Pro machines and Digital Alphas.

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security + n. >>共 445
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