21.   In Belarus, their situation is made more difficult by strong anti-capitalist sentiment in a population largely nostalgic for the more economically secure environment of Soviet times.

22.   It is, then, assumed that once consumers begin to perceive the Internet as a secure environment for buying and selling, online shopping will explode.

23.   Its primary role is to establish a secure environment for the returning refugees.

24.   Kouchner, in farewell remarks last week, acknowledged that the United Nations had failed to provide a secure environment for Kosovo Serbs.

25.   Last week, the U.N. Security Council approved an Italian-led military mission to safeguard relief supplies and provide a secure environment for international agencies to work.

26.   Private investors, he noted, want secure environments.

27.   Secretary-General Kofi Annan has stated repeatedly that a secure environment free of violence and intimidation is a prerequisite for the ballot.

28.   The force is responsible for deterring renewed hostilities, demilitarizing the Kosovo Liberation Army, and establishing a secure environment for refugees to return.

29.   The idea is to protect a child prostitute from a pimp by putting such kids in a secure environment.

30.   The original U.N. mandate was to establish a secure environment throughout Somalia for humanitarian assistance, disarmament, reconciliation and economic reconstruction.

a. + environment >>共 1238
new 3.56%
hostile 2.91%
economic 2.60%
natural 2.26%
competitive 2.17%
political 1.87%
current 1.86%
working 1.69%
global 1.35%
different 1.35%
secure 0.80%
secure + n. >>共 456
area 5.95%
location 3.78%
environment 3.12%
job 2.90%
transaction 2.69%
future 2.54%
place 1.96%
facility 1.89%
communication 1.82%
site 1.74%
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