21.   Berisha was president last year when pyramid investment schemes collapsed, costing many their entire savings.

22.   But Vietnam, a nonmember, continued to boost production and the scheme collapsed last fall.

23.   Chaos has gripped Albania since early spring, when high-risk investment schemes in which many people put their meager savings, collapsed.

24.   Communist world, those schemes are now collapsing.

25.   During the height of the rebellion, which grew out of anti-government protests over pyramid schemes that started collapsing in January, citizens ransacked institutions throughout the country.

26.   For the second day in a row Thursday, a get-rich-quick pyramid scheme collapsed amid violence.

27.   However, new investments are used to pay off early investors until the scheme collapses.

28.   Impoverished Albania has disintegrated in recent months after high-risk investment schemes collapsed, swallowing the savings of many people.

29.   It started after high-risk investment schemes collapsed, swallowing the savings of hundreds of thousands of Albanians.

30.   Like elsewhere in the former Communist world where government regulation is lax and economic naivete high, those schemes are now collapsing.

n. + collapse >>共 795
building 5.27%
talk 4.87%
wall 3.32%
government 3.15%
house 2.98%
tower 2.61%
deal 2.46%
roof 2.39%
economy 2.04%
price 1.60%
scheme 1.16%
scheme + v. >>共 311
be 25.77%
involve 3.47%
have 3.14%
collapse 3.07%
work 2.16%
allow 1.90%
go 1.83%
begin 1.70%
include 1.57%
provide 1.37%
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