21.   He also said he routinely was excluded from group meetings by his manager, whom Bobo said made disparaging remarks about non-whites.

22.   He said making an exception for a company and others who structure themselves in the same way would breed contempt for the sales tax and encourage cheating.

23.   He says that makes him the only candidate who is not beholden to special interests.

24.   Hoffer said even making enough of the virus to deliver genes is hard to do, particularly for animals larger than mice.

25.   Mead asked for an injunction requiring PBM to stop distributing its promotional materials, which it said made false and misleading statements about the quality of Enfamil.

26.   Plaintiffs introduced numerous photos of Simpson wearing Bruno Magli shoes, the type prosecutors say made footprints at the murder scene.

27.   Police in New York City and in White Plains said Barling made incriminating statements during police interviews, but they would not elaborate.

28.   Ramos said that makes perfect sense, that he is an attacking midfielder and Reyna is a ball-controlling midfielder.

29.   Said made his academic mark with his view that Western scholars were misinterpreting the Middle East, where he was raised.

30.   She said NATO made matters worse in Kosovo, and thinks the saber-rattling denunciations of Milosevic prolonged the war.

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say + v. >>共 875
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