21.   Researching the article was adventurous in many ways, says dining critic Christiane Lauterbach.

22.   Stock options are all too often not working as they should, says a critic whose identity may surprise some people.

23.   That, says some critics, makes boxing risky business for children.

24.   That way, the critics said, people who easily handle the stairs can be singled out for direct sales pitches.

25.   The commission might amount to little, the same way other high-profile investigations conducted under Obasanjo have failed to accomplish their initial goals, critics said.

26.   The entertainment conglomerate, critics said, has become a purveyor of cinematic sex and violence.

27.   The first two assumptions are wrong, say most critics of the bill.

28.   The general feeling, critics said, was that Hall made a success of what was surely a gamble.

29.   The INA, which specializes in defections from the regime, has been thoroughly infiltrated, say critics.

30.   The government, critics said, had no business being in the arts.

v. + critic >>共 392
have 14.18%
silence 8.01%
answer 4.98%
say 3.02%
dismiss 2.55%
accuse 2.49%
satisfy 2.08%
confound 1.84%
quiet 1.84%
appease 1.66%
say + n. >>共 862
official 10.72%
police 6.88%
spokesman 3.72%
no 3.22%
analyst 2.66%
report 2.47%
source 2.45%
trader 1.74%
goodbye 1.60%
thing 1.27%
critic 0.08%
每页显示:    共 51