21.   So the question becomes, if the damage is compounded by overuse, how do you cut down on that without sacrificing the quality of play?

22.   The company says that it has found a way to make the seams or gaps invisible without sacrificing image quality.

23.   The performances will be held in cordoned off sections of stadiums to reach large audiences without sacrificing sound quality.

24.   The prediction has some state health officials scrambling to control medical costs without sacrificing the quality of care for seniors.

25.   The shortcuts erode the authenticity, force you to sacrifice ingredient quality with packaged foods or result in dishes with inferior flavor for other reasons.

26.   Their expenses are not unduly high, they say, since it costs money to save money without sacrificing quality.

27.   This is one of those cases where you get something for nothing and sacrifice a little quality.

28.   Though ResumeMaker Deluxe offers impressive substance behind the slick packaging and fancy graphics, it does sacrifice some quality when it tries to be a virtual career coach.

29.   Audio quality is actually sacrificed in MiniDiscs.

30.   Care, however, would be taken to ensure that quality is not sacrificed.

v. + quality >>共 435
improve 20.28%
have 7.24%
affect 2.88%
maintain 2.02%
raise 1.84%
monitor 1.73%
reduce 1.48%
enhance 1.48%
sacrifice 1.33%
upgrade 1.15%
sacrifice + n. >>共 427
life 5.85%
runner 3.60%
quality 3.33%
profit 1.98%
body 1.71%
safety 1.62%
principle 1.62%
lot 1.44%
son 1.35%
time 1.26%
每页显示:    共 37