21.   I think I can run the football.

22.   In December, since they still have something to prove, it may begin with proving they can run the football.

23.   In December, you have to run the football to survive in the NFL.

24.   It has also helped having an athletic quarterback such as Patrick Batteaux, who is a consistent threat to run the football.

25.   It helps if you are running the football effectively, something the Giants emphasized in their victory over Dallas.

26.   Kennan, by inclination, holds no ill will toward running the football.

27.   --Looks like Auburn is rethinking this idea about running the football.

28.   On offense, the Cowboys need to do a better job running the football.

29.   Our offense made those key first downs running that football.

30.   QB Mark Brunell is the offensive key, but Coughlin would prefer to run the football.

v. + football >>共 348
play 43.94%
throw 3.52%
watch 3.30%
run 2.72%
love 1.84%
quit 1.51%
have 1.51%
coach 1.47%
toss 1.17%
know 1.17%
run + n. >>共 962
risk 2.96%
ball 2.84%
company 2.69%
business 2.62%
ad 2.52%
country 2.21%
program 2.17%
course 2.07%
gamut 1.52%
race 1.46%
football 0.40%
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