21.   Besides, throwing sushi could really ruin my career.

22.   A top box-office star, Bergman found her career ruined and was banished from American films for seven years.

23.   Brookner charged CIA supervisors with ruining her career with false accusations of misconduct following her disclosure that a colleague had been beating his wife.

24.   Collins, given a second chance by the Giants after alcohol nearly ruined his career, had a fine season.

25.   Concerned about ruining their careers, most men do not reveal family responsibilities at work.

26.   Dancers who lose too much weight often lose estrogen and calcium, causing stress fractures which, ironically, can ruin careers.

27.   Early in her disorder, she also abused alcohol and drugs, lost jobs and ruined her career.

28.   For women who have worried that taking a few years off to raise their children would ruin their career, Albright offers a reassuring example.

29.   He ruined his career, spent all his money and tried to marry her.

30.   He was allowed to remain on duty, but his career was ruined.

v. + career >>共 644
begin 9.68%
end 5.68%
make 5.48%
pursue 4.31%
start 4.29%
have 4.14%
finish 3.46%
build 2.83%
tie 2.56%
spend 2.29%
ruin 1.26%
ruin + n. >>共 494
life 8.86%
career 5.42%
chance 4.70%
reputation 2.51%
day 2.38%
economy 2.05%
crop 1.79%
season 1.65%
country 1.59%
health 1.12%
每页显示:    共 82