21.   Rotting corpses lay in the streets from earlier fighting, despite efforts by aid groups to dispose of the potentially disease-bearing bodies.

22.   So rotting corpses, dysentery and gasoline-contaminated drinking water will probably be absent.

23.   The number of casualties from the fighting remains unclear although more than a hundred rotting corpses littered the streets of the capital.

24.   The number of casualties from the fighting remains unclear, although more than a hundred rotting corpses lay in the streets of the capital.

25.   The victims are being reburied in the city cemetery to prevent the spread of disease from rotting corpses.

26.   Their rotting corpses, gnawed by animals, littered the hill around the church.

27.   UNMEE has offered to provide technical assistance to help identify the rotting corpses but has not received a response to the offer from either government, Nkolo said.

28.   Without refrigerator trucks to store the hundreds of rotting corpses, epidemics could break out, Giraldo said.

29.   Al-Khabar also reported clashes around Taher, Chehna and Larbaa and said that dozens of rotting corpses had been seen in the mountains of the Jijel region.

30.   Drinking water in the area is contaminated, polluted by the rotting corpses of drowned livestock, he said.

a. + corpse >>共 216
rotting 5.23%
charred 4.58%
decomposing 4.41%
mutilated 3.43%
bloody 3.27%
human 3.27%
decaying 2.61%
the 2.45%
unidentified 2.29%
burned 2.12%
rotting + n. >>共 119
flesh 11.63%
corpse 8.86%
body 8.59%
garbage 6.09%
fish 4.71%
carcass 4.43%
food 3.60%
meat 2.49%
vegetable 2.22%
tooth 1.94%
每页显示:    共 32