21.   Environmentalists and local officials fear the rivers will overflow during the current rainy season because of the heavy siltation, flooding many farms and residential communities.

22.   Environmentalists and local officials fear the rivers will overflow because of the heavy siltation, flooding many farms and residential communities.

23.   Hardest hit was Rio, where rivers overflowed, trees toppled, and floods left roads covered with mud and garbage.

24.   In northeastern Rio de Janeiro, near the border with Minas Gerais, rain-swollen rivers overflowed their banks, covering roads and isolating seven towns.

25.   In the low-lying plain known as Baixada Fluminense, rivers overflowed, covering streets and forcing residents to abandon their homes.

26.   In the Southern Hemisphere summer between December and March, heavy rains often cause rivers to overflow, and floods bring the city to a standstill.

27.   IPOH, Wed. - Several houses along the meandering Sungai Pari here were flooded as the river overflowed its banks after heavy rain last night.

28.   It was a welcome change from Monday, when the river overflowed its banks.

29.   Meteorologists said the heavy rains would continue over the next days and two other rivers may overflow their banks.

30.   Near Kraljevo, the river Gruza was overflowing a dam.

n. + overflow >>共 202
river 17.49%
toilet 2.22%
hospital 2.22%
water 2.22%
jail 1.97%
system 1.72%
sewer 1.48%
crowd 1.23%
box 1.23%
tributary 1.23%
river + v. >>共 314
be 19.99%
overflow 4.59%
flow 4.27%
run 3.88%
rise 3.82%
burst 2.98%
flood 2.20%
have 2.07%
continue 1.55%
become 1.42%
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