21.   Animal rights activists oppose the work, and critics say it is not safe because of the threat of viruses.

22.   Animal rights activists say the carnivals and circuses mostly do not overtly harm animals.

23.   Animal rights activists say the debate is not about political correctness, but about the humane treatment of animals.

24.   Animal rights activists, such as members of PETA, emphasize the similarities between animals and humans.

25.   And, outside the courthouse, animal rights activists in cow suits joined a herd of reporters from all over the country, many with a bent for puns.

26.   Animal rights activists complained, and the ad was scrapped.

27.   Animal rights activists fear the hunt will spark a wholesale return to commercial whaling, presently banned by the commission.

28.   Animal rights activists remain unpersuaded, convinced that researchers too often invoke the noble mission of science to obscure the reckless use of animals.

29.   Animal rights activists who have been following the five-year African odyssey of the circus say it is not really a circus at all.

30.   Animal rights activists have set up a defense fund for Ms. Byron-Marasek.

n. + activist >>共 282
right 17.53%
opposition 15.02%
peace 8.11%
student 6.34%
community 5.96%
democracy 4.63%
labor 4.15%
consumer 2.95%
independence 2.41%
animal-rights 2.31%
right + n. >>共 364
group 26.20%
activist 13.66%
advocate 6.96%
issue 5.19%
abuse 3.83%
violation 2.54%
movement 2.25%
supporter 2.00%
organization 2.00%
bill 2.00%
每页显示:    共 550