21.   Wynne-Jones had begun the return journey to the land of the Tuthanach.

22.   The return journey from the Academy had been quiet.

23.   The incident had happened on the return journey.

24.   And Mr Allen, dividing his time between his job and the hospital, constantly made the return journey from their home in Provident Street, Parr.

25.   Murray moved to clinch a quick deal on his return journey from West Bromwich yesterday morning after leading scorer Paul Baker was rushed into hospital for a hernia operation.

26.   The next charge is fifty p return journey for those people who we transport in and out of our centres.

27.   Tim will be making his return journey in the next couple of hours.

28.   Few can be certain of when they will be able to make the return journey.

29.   On the return journey to Mexico City, Edwards explained, the two men would never transport the artworks in their car.

30.   The donkeys were being saddled up for their return journey home, and some caravans were on their way.

a. + journey >>共 596
long 9.96%
return 3.49%
spiritual 3.21%
arduous 2.19%
perilous 1.52%
final 1.46%
sentimental 1.41%
personal 1.41%
short 1.29%
first 1.18%
return + n. >>共 308
trip 14.01%
address 9.37%
flight 6.48%
visit 6.48%
fire 5.43%
key 3.20%
leg 2.76%
journey 2.71%
game 2.50%
date 2.50%
每页显示:    共 62