21.   He said international efforts should now be directed to ensuring the various Bosnian factions respect the results and allow elected officials to take office.

22.   He said the EU hopes all political groups in Cambodia will respect the results of the election.

23.   Reports that Chavez supporters would stage violent protests if their candidate lost prompted appeals for calm from President Caldera, who said the army would respect results.

24.   Shi said the EU had agreed to set up a joint study group with China to look into the health concerns and said Beijing would respect the results.

25.   Syafei quoted Gusmao as saying that he would respect the result of a referendum, even it were against independence.

26.   The observers urged Kenyans to respect the results, despite reports of scattered vote-buying and assorted organizational problems that created confusion and delays in voting.

27.   The Popular Revolutionary Army had warned it could take armed action if results were not respected.

28.   They called on Kenyans to respect the results.

29.   In a democracy losers respect the result of elections and winners respect the civil and political rights of the losers, he said.

30.   In the Finnish parliament the approval needs a two thirds majority, and all the main parties have said they will respect the result of the referendum.

v. + result >>共 506
expect 9.68%
announce 5.60%
produce 5.52%
report 4.55%
release 4.40%
get 2.75%
await 2.74%
see 2.42%
have 2.37%
yield 2.08%
respect 0.33%
respect + n. >>共 589
right 6.24%
decision 3.69%
law 2.94%
agreement 2.64%
rule 2.50%
privacy 2.33%
freedom 1.98%
result 1.98%
wish 1.93%
commitment 1.67%
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