21.   Residents rush to fill water buckets every morning from tanker trucks, which run dry.

22.   Residents rushed to salvage the spilled gasoline, which then began burning.

23.   Residents rushed to stock up on canned goods and water, flashlights and batteries, and plywood for boarding up windows.

24.   Residents rushed to buy last-minute provisions under dwindling sunny skies Monday morning after radio stations issued a hurricane alert.

25.   Tanks seemed largely out of Nablus before dawn Sunday, and some residents rushed to check their apartments that had been taken over by Israeli soldiers in recent weeks.

26.   Throughout the Tel Aviv region, panicked residents rushed to buy water immediately after the announcement Monday evening.

27.   When army convoys pass below, residents rush to the back of the house or lie on the floor for safety.

28.   In the euphoria of newfound freedoms, local residents rushed to throw up holiday villas any old how, using rough bondstone and without any regard for architectural niceties.

29.   Beijing residents Saturday rushed to buy pictures of Deng Xiaoping, with many standing in line all day, Xinhua reported.

30.   By early afternoon, the wind was beginning to pick up as Beijing residents rushed home to shut windows and brace for what has become a spring ritual.

n. + rush >>共 681
people 5.09%
ambulance 4.39%
company 3.22%
police 3.05%
official 2.21%
worker 2.04%
investor 2.01%
man 1.64%
water 1.61%
resident 1.41%
resident + v. >>共 692
say 18.21%
be 8.88%
have 3.04%
complain 1.94%
flee 1.76%
take 1.41%
report 1.36%
tell 1.05%
begin 1.04%
fear 0.86%
rush 0.31%
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