21.   The country is saddled with a six billion dollar budget deficit, and has seen its hard currency reserves dwindle to just over nine billion dollars.

22.   The country is saddled with a six-billion-dollar budget deficit, and its currency reserves have dwindled to just over nine billion dollars.

n. + dwindle >>共 304
number 12.01%
supply 8.13%
population 2.79%
reserve 2.67%
crowd 2.31%
revenue 1.94%
support 1.82%
stock 1.58%
audience 1.33%
rank 1.21%
reserve + v. >>共 219
be 33.24%
dwindle 3.10%
fall 2.96%
have 2.25%
include 1.97%
make 1.69%
run 1.69%
increase 1.41%
need 1.41%
begin 1.27%
每页显示:    共 22