21.   But the Princeton researchers discovered that they were able to circumvent the alert.

22.   But, the researchers also discovered, older people gain mostly slow twitch muscles, while the younger subjects gain mostly fast twitch ones.

23.   By analyzing annual snow layers preserved in ice cores, the researchers discovered that greater amounts of sea salts appeared in the layers at that time.

24.   By comparing the ribosomal RNA of different organisms, researchers can discover degrees of evolutionary relatedness.

25.   By changing the way they search for bacteria, researchers have discovered thousands of new species.

26.   Earlier this year, Japanese researchers discovered that magnesium boride, a readily available metallic compound, is superconducting.

27.   Eventually, researchers discovered the larger daffodil bulbs contain far more galantamine than snowdrops do.

28.   Even as researchers discover new cures, many patients have difficulty getting access to basic medical care.

29.   Even Lee was surprised by some of the footage his researchers discovered.

30.   Following a trail of bloody clues, researchers have discovered that dolphins are far from the happy, peaceful creatures humans think they know.

n. + discover >>共 742
police 9.53%
doctor 5.12%
scientist 4.47%
official 4.24%
researcher 3.65%
investigator 3.25%
authority 3.05%
people 1.81%
company 1.64%
worker 1.55%
researcher + v. >>共 450
say 19.69%
find 8.84%
be 4.75%
believe 2.70%
use 2.12%
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report 1.80%
hope 1.76%
look 1.60%
suggest 1.40%
discover 1.17%
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