21.   Goebel used to lead Musica Antiqua as a crack fiddler but was afflicted with repetitive stress syndrome five years ago losing the ability to finger with his left hand.

22.   He and his son have also stretched Patrick Ewing and his Knicks teammates along with a roster of other athletes, as well as people with repetitive stress injuries.

23.   He said that voice recognition has been shown to be highly useful for users with motor impairments, or people struggling with repetitive stress injury.

24.   He voted to roll back work place rules on repetitive stress syndrome.

25.   If IBM wins, those who suffer from repetitive stress injuries elsewhere may be more reluctant to go to trial.

26.   If used properly, the touch pad is less likely to cause repetitive stress injuries because touch-pad users do not have to grip or press anything.

27.   In many cases, companies are using the tests to place workers with a proclivity to develop repetitive stress injuries in lower-risk jobs.

28.   In the future, Japanese thumbs could suffer from the repetitive stress ailments that sometimes afflict the hands, arms and shoulders of computer workers.

29.   It also encourages good posture and reduces the risk of repetitive stress syndrome.

30.   It was the so-called good wages that kept the women in Silicon Valley despite eye strain and repetitive stress injury.

a. + stress >>共 364
post-traumatic 18.45%
repetitive 4.90%
emotional 4.23%
psychological 2.72%
great 2.42%
mental 2.12%
financial 2.06%
severe 2.00%
traumatic 1.75%
enormous 1.39%
repetitive + n. >>共 142
stress 18.24%
motion 14.19%
strain 11.04%
task 4.50%
behavior 2.93%
sequence 1.58%
movement 1.35%
hand 1.35%
pattern 1.35%
job 1.13%
每页显示:    共 80