21.   Concern persisted about the weak links in the peace implementation, and it was focused on Mostar, a southwestern city that remains divided between Croats and Muslims.

22.   Council members remains badly divided on how to restart U.N. arms inspections and improve humanitarian conditions.

23.   Dozens of people, mostly Muslims, have been evicted from their homes in the southwestern city which remains divided into Croat- and Muslim-controlled halves.

24.   EU Commission officials have said Cyprus is eligible for EU membership and would join, even if the island remains divided.

25.   Expressing shame that the Korean peninsula remains divided after a half-century, President Kim Young-sam called Wednesday for rival North Korea to end its hostility.

26.   Hardline Croats refuse to agree to the reintegration of Mostar, the southwestern city where some of the worst battles were fought and which remains divided along ethnic lines.

27.   Instead, the two-year civil war continues to flare, and the country remains divided among various rebel factions and the government.

28.   It was formally united under the newly-elected city council, but remains divided in practice.

29.   Nearly eight years after all-race elections brought an end to apartheid, South Africa remains divided along color lines, with racially motivated crimes occurring intermittently.

30.   On Wednesday he rode a horse through the dusty streets of Desdunes, a community near St. Marc that remains divided between military and Aristide supporters.

n. + divide >>共 498
issue 7.42%
cell 5.40%
remains 4.47%
war 1.77%
accord 1.60%
plan 1.43%
line 1.35%
debate 1.35%
question 1.26%
agreement 1.18%
remains + v. >>共 409
be 16.48%
commit 8.62%
oppose 3.96%
divide 3.09%
close 2.85%
convince 2.50%
unchange 2.27%
mire 2.15%
hospitalize 1.69%
focus 1.40%
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