21.   Bell Atlantic, receiving a consolation call a short time later, released a statement that its discussions with Airtouch had ended.

22.   Both CSX and Aetna released statements Tuesday denouncing the suit as lacking legal merit.

23.   Blanc released a statement announcing his resignation.

24.   Both the NFL and the Fox Group released separate statements Tuesday.

25.   A couple of weeks ago, Steinbrenner released a statement that subtly chastised Torre after he did not publicly embrace the acquisition of the slugger Jose Canseco.

26.   A MOMA spokesman said that the stories were accurate and the museum would release a statement later today.

27.   A military spokesman said on Monday that the Pentagon planned to release a statement on Tuesday, but the statement still had not been released by late afternoon.

28.   A spokeswoman for the Screen Actors Guild said the union would likely release a statement today.

29.   A Team USA spokesman said he would release a statement regarding the incident later in the day.

30.   A spokesman for ImClone said that the company was still deciding what to say and that a statement would be released Wednesday.

v. + statement >>共 314
issue 27.61%
make 22.04%
release 6.20%
say 3.99%
sign 2.36%
read 2.36%
give 1.88%
retract 1.27%
take 0.91%
prepare 0.71%
release + n. >>共 848
detail 5.68%
name 5.61%
report 5.24%
statement 3.89%
information 3.62%
figure 3.39%
result 3.17%
hostage 3.06%
prisoner 2.84%
man 1.41%
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