21.   Deb Harrington, a spokeswoman for FASB, said the most pertinent parts of the rule proposal are to be released for comment by the first week of September.

22.   Employees of the Houston company were given the grim news before being released for the day to grieve.

23.   Employees of Union Texas Petroleum, the Houston company that employed the men, were given the grim news before being released for the day to grieve.

24.   Even aside from that recalculation, the Russian European Center and other economists earlier this year took the committee to task when it released statistics for February.

25.   Eventually, the body was released for burial with others that were unclaimed.

26.   Everett was not released for six days.

27.   Every year about this time, Apple Computer trumpets that thousands of new titles have been released for the Mac.

28.   FAA officials said they did not discover that any unsafe planes had been released for passenger service, but they were still concerned by their findings.

29.   Five years ago, parents would have been lucky to see six titles a year released for science programs.

30.   For immediate release.

v. + for >>共 935
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