21.   But some refugees today said they thought that some of the warnings were delivered by soldiers of the regular Yugoslav Army.

22.   But some Tutsi refugees say they have much to fear.

23.   But the Tutsi in South Kivu were already armed and prepared last week when the Zairian army began trying to push them out of their villages, refugees said.

24.   By cutting back on aid for the refugees and repairs to the camps in Ingushetia, the Russians have been encouraging many to return, the refugees say.

25.   Cuban refugees said they first learned the news from radio broadcasts from Cuba and the United States.

26.   Even knowing these dangers, many refugees say they will not return to their homes as long as government forces control the area.

27.   Even before American bombs began to fall in retaliation, the refugees said, the Taliban government, which controls most of the country, stopped paying its workers.

28.   Fire exits are permanently locked, and the refugees say ambulances have been denied access to the grounds.

29.   Generally, refugees said they were skeptical that the initiative would eventually do anything for them.

30.   In addition, the refugees say soldiers and border guards confiscated their passports and other identity papers in an effort to impede their return.

n. + say >>共 480
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analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
source 3.33%
spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
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refugee 0.08%
refugee + v. >>共 618
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flee 4.54%
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