21.   Members of the Action Group are helping redress the balance with local initiatives to improve the area.

22.   He founded Loki to redress the balance.

23.   It further cited its efforts to redress the balance in school funding, which have shifted money into the cities.

24.   Mainstream scholars have done a marvelous job of redressing the balance.

25.   Now the Bosnian government and Croat forces have begun to redress the balance.

26.   Of these, probably none is so important as the need to continually redress the balance between the well-to-do and those who cannot fully care for their own needs.

27.   On Thursday, Carnegie Hall will help redress the balance by presenting an evening in tribute to Anderson.

28.   Roger Mear hopes to redress the balance of history in the current Antarctic summer.

29.   Sony hopes to redress the balance with a portable photo printer small enough to carry in the camera bag.

30.   Such moves are undoubtedly intended at least in part to redress the balance, to nurture more standard areas of repertory after an astringent period of adventure.

v. + balance >>共 312
lose 9.99%
strike 9.11%
tip 5.87%
maintain 4.70%
find 3.62%
achieve 3.62%
keep 3.41%
restore 3.08%
have 3.08%
regain 3.00%
redress 1.79%
redress + n. >>共 53
balance 23.50%
imbalance 10.38%
grievance 7.65%
wrong 7.65%
inequity 6.01%
problem 6.01%
situation 5.46%
discrimination 3.83%
injustice 3.28%
fraud 1.09%
每页显示:    共 43