21.   Its tower has a red hat tilted on top.

22.   Koliqi donned the traditional red hat at an unusually late stage of life.

23.   On its cover, he is wearing a red Kangol hat, an Adidas warm-up suit and a giant gold name belt around his neck.

24.   On the Web, you cannot see the woman or the red hat, so you have no way of knowing.

25.   Red hats want a Communist Party career, and today are the smallest group.

26.   Santa Claus is in the ring, red hat and white whiskers, waiting, too.

27.   She had blond hair and a red hat and was wearing a Clinton-Gore pin with a pink triangle right above her fake breasts.

28.   Shop windows were full of red hats.

29.   Stand in the arrivals area at Pochentong Airport and you will even encounter Japanese package tourists, complete with identical red hats and a flag-carrying guide.

30.   The Hintzes start their celebration with an intergenerational baseball game, the red hats versus blue hats.

a. + hat >>共 426
straw 11.45%
hard 9.11%
black 8.28%
white 4.58%
red 2.86%
floppy 2.39%
funny 1.98%
big 1.93%
wide-brimmed 1.77%
party 1.72%
red + n. >>共 798
wine 6.36%
card 4.82%
rose 2.07%
hair 2.02%
brick 1.92%
clay 1.54%
line 1.54%
onion 1.32%
zone 1.25%
alert 1.04%
hat 0.54%
每页显示:    共 55