21.   White House officials said Bush made the call after seeing Israeli intelligence information that Arafat had approved payment to a militant group responsible for recent suicide bombings.

22.   A list of recent suicide bombings.

23.   A Syrian diplomat on Friday rejected Israeli claims that Syria harbors terrorists responsible for the most recent suicide bombing in Israel.

24.   Also Wednesday, Arafat approved a life sentence hastily given the man accused of recruiting three of the recent suicide bombers.

25.   An adviser to Yasser Arafat condemned the recent suicide bombing in Israel, but said it underscores a broader problem that gets to the root of the regional upheaval.

26.   An Israeli general told parliament that Palestinian terrorists planned to release cyanide gas to enhance the killing power of a recent suicide bombing, an army spokesman said Wednesday.

27.   Arafat has been shutting down Hamas institutions and arresting activists since it became known that four of five recent suicide bombers were Hamas activists.

28.   Beginning her Middle East visit Wednesday, Albright consoled Israeli victims of the recent suicide bombings and said a Palestinian crackdown on the groups behind the attacks was needed.

29.   Canada has expanded its list of suspected terrorist groups to include all elements of Hamas, the group that claimed responsibility for recent deadly suicide attacks in Israel.

30.   Dozens of Israelis fawned over Clinton when he made an unscheduled stop in downtown Jerusalem at a site of recent suicide bombings.

a. + suicide >>共 371
palestinian 13.46%
assisted 12.28%
mass 5.42%
physician-assisted 4.89%
apparent 4.33%
attempted 3.74%
committed 3.68%
recent 2.80%
deadly 2.62%
doctor-assisted 2.62%
recent + n. >>共 673
year 20.30%
week 9.12%
month 8.79%
day 6.38%
poll 1.39%
report 1.18%
study 1.09%
interview 1.05%
history 1.03%
visit 0.76%
suicide 0.12%
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