21.   The jail house informant turned out to be mentally unstable, prone to flights of fantasy, but sane enough to have recanted his testimony in April.

22.   Witnesses also recanted testimony.

23.   Bushnev later recanted his testimony, but then was again forced to make confession.

24.   But he did not recant his testimony that Skakel had told him he beat Moxley to death.

25.   But the bookkeeper, Freddie Steenkamp, recanted his testimony last month.

26.   But on Wednesday, Astakhov said Babkin had written a letter in which he recanted the testimony and denied he ever met Pope without other people present.

27.   He did not recant his testimony.

28.   His key accuser has recanted his testimony, and the defense contends the blueprints had already been sold abroad and published.

29.   Key witnesses recanted their testimony against Porter during the investigation.

30.   She later returned to Jamaica after serving time in prison and recanted her testimony against Daley.

v. + testimony >>共 390
hear 15.47%
give 9.58%
take 3.45%
provide 2.78%
include 2.22%
offer 2.22%
present 1.90%
allow 1.55%
recant 1.52%
use 1.48%
recant + n. >>共 42
testimony 18.86%
confession 16.67%
statement 12.72%
story 10.96%
accusation 9.21%
allegation 3.51%
claim 2.63%
belief 2.19%
admission 1.75%
account 1.75%
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