21.   But frustration is growing that government and rebel negotiators have not worked out a compromise to end the standoff.

22.   Colombian government and rebel negotiators concluded two days of negotiations overshadowed by fighting at home, with no agreement Tuesday on how to move forward.

23.   Details of the talks were released Friday, as Guatemalan government and rebel negotiators were holding peace talks in Mexico City.

24.   Earlier this week, rebel negotiators ended their latest round of peace talks with the government with no conclusive outcome.

25.   Estrada had denounced the abductions as terrorist acts, suspended peace talks and withdrew safety guarantees for rebel negotiators.

26.   Estrada denounced the abductions as terrorist acts, suspended peace talks and withdrew safety guarantees for rebel peace negotiators.

27.   Eight rebel negotiators, who had arrived wearing ski masks and ceremonial Indian sombreros with colored ribbons, said they hoped the talks could begin immediately.

28.   Even as they jockey for position, government and rebel negotiators hoped Friday to revive peace talks characterized so far by squabbles and mistrust.

29.   Formal talks have so far been held in the Netherlands, where Jalandoni and other rebel negotiators live in exile.

30.   Government and Muslim rebel negotiators will resume peace talks as scheduled next week despite violations of a cease-fire agreement, officials said Wednesday.

n. + negotiator >>共 129
government 31.56%
peace 16.17%
trade 10.43%
rebel 7.42%
police 3.99%
hostage 3.78%
budget 3.71%
management 1.33%
industry 1.12%
labor 1.05%
rebel + n. >>共 482
leader 16.02%
group 11.08%
force 5.07%
attack 4.07%
fighter 3.69%
commander 3.23%
stronghold 3.21%
movement 2.55%
position 2.14%
soldier 1.82%
negotiator 0.55%
每页显示:    共 105