21.   ...rebel forces in Liberia.

22.   The capital is still under constant bombardment by the rebel forces.

23.   ...armed incursions into border areas by rebel forces.

24.   Rebel forces have consolidated their hold on the region.

25.   The troops were finally able to subdue the rebel forces after many days of fighting.

26.   The rebel forces pulled off a surprisingly successful offensive against the better equipped government troops.

27.   The Ethiopian government responded by pressing for airlifting of relief supplies to the Eritrean provincial capital, Asmara, effectively surrounded by rebel forces.

28.   Calling itself both the Rwandan Patriotic Front and Ikontanyi, the rebel force consisted of several thousand Rwandan refugees based in Uganda, led by Maj.-Gen.

29.   The fighting centred on the Gojam and Gondar regions as rebel forces moved southwards towards the capital.

30.   In the ensuing days there were repeated government claims of successes against rebel forces along the Uganda border.

n. + force >>共 195
security 40.41%
government 15.32%
peace 4.96%
rebel 4.75%
opposition 3.60%
ground 2.82%
market 2.30%
reaction 2.17%
labor 1.48%
coalition 1.31%
rebel + n. >>共 482
leader 16.02%
group 11.08%
force 5.07%
attack 4.07%
fighter 3.69%
commander 3.23%
stronghold 3.21%
movement 2.55%
position 2.14%
soldier 1.82%
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