21.   The militants also must know that a growing list of countries and organizations, including rebel allies, is criticizing the captors and urging them to free the hostages.

22.   The ICRC says that both the government and their rebel allies knew the plane was ferrying fighters who had received medical treatment.

23.   The kidnappers have demanded food and medical supplies and asked for the release of Koroma, whom they claimed had been detained by their supposed rebel allies.

24.   The strategy would rely heavily on Bosnian Croats and neighboring Croatia, which shares a common interest -- weakening Bosnian Serbs hurts their rebel Serb allies in Croatia.

25.   The war began when Rwanda, Uganda and their Congolese rebel allies took up arms against then-President Laurent Kabila.

26.   To be successful, the Security Council proposals must prevail despite the deep mistrust between the Congolese and Rwandan governments and their rebel allies.

27.   While Kabbah has been returned to power, fighting continues between Sierra Leonean forces and ousted junta fighters and their rebel allies.

28.   With its wealth and influence in Sierra Leone, the Catholic church was a vocal critic of the junta and its rebel allies.

29.   A UNHCR food convoy Wednesday was allowed through Serb lines into the Bihac enclave after being repeatedly held up by the Serbs or their rebel Moslem allies.

30.   The Ugandan forces and their DRC rebel allies later captured the strategic Bunia area from local Mai Mai tribesmen and restored calm.

n. + ally >>共 124
militia 16.88%
coalition 15.25%
rebel 6.17%
government 5.44%
business 3.81%
reformist 2.90%
opposition 2.72%
right-wing 2.36%
al-qaida 2.18%
wartime 2.18%
rebel + n. >>共 482
leader 16.02%
group 11.08%
force 5.07%
attack 4.07%
fighter 3.69%
commander 3.23%
stronghold 3.21%
movement 2.55%
position 2.14%
soldier 1.82%
ally 0.18%
每页显示:    共 34